01458 527021

01935 584021

07545 786 691


Health & Safety


Dm Electric are strictly guided by Health & Safety policy. This policy sets out the principles and arrangements on which DM Electric Ltd. bases its Health and Safety commitment. DM Electric employees are trained in relevant skills needed to complete their jobs safely and securely. These include MEWP licence (mobile elevated working platform) working in height required environment, etc.

Risk Assessment

DM Electric also carry out relevant risk assessments for each site, distributing the relevant documentation to our employees and clients. We monitor the day-to-day aspects of Health and Safety as part of our normal work. Safety Inspections are always carried out before commencement of work on site. The company and employees will observe and carry out further requirements for Health & Safety on site i.e. permits to work and method of work statements.

Personal Protective Equipment

DM Electric issues all personnel with the relevant protective clothing and equipment necessary to carry out our jobs in safety as required by the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992. All employees are fully aware of their responsibility and potential risks and are instructed to use their PPE in accordance with legislative, company policy and risk assessment reviews.

First Aid

First aid and accident reporting facilities are available and employees will use clients facilities and reporting procedures when on site and will be instructed to do so. All our vehicles carry a first aid box which is regularly checked and re-stocked. All accidents will be logged in the Company Accident Book whether or not they fall into the RIDDOR category. We have a very clean record and endeavor to keep it this way but should any issues occur we would immediately contact our health & safety management consultant.

Full set of Health & Safety policy is available upon on request